Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The New LE Charm Season 3

So I was wondering what the new L.E Charm will look like, for people who bought L.E this season, and while I was deleting all my emails, I came across this...
Blah Blah Blah, let's zoom in on the bow-dress...

Sure, you probably couldn't give a rat's fart if you're not superstar or haven't bought anything L.E, but I think the charm is cute-looking. Hope it has a bow on it like the last one.

The Worst Me-Dolls of Stardoll

Ever come across a me-doll and thought to yourself, "What were they thinking?" Yeah, well I have. I realise everyone has a different opinion, some people might like the me-dolls I have shown below, and I am sure many people might not like my me-doll, so yeah. Try not to take it to the heart. I also decided not to include the usernames...
Is there a hospital on Stardoll? I'm afraid this girl has a rash, or she put blush on in the dark.

Oh God...I think she might be able to lick the top of her nose, there is NO distance from her mouth to her nose tip whatsoever.

Attack of the nerds. GAH! It's not halloween yet, take off your mask!
Usually I have no problems with monkeys or apes, but to me it seems her mouth is a little too low...

Those eyes really bother and creep me out. And the little pig snout. . . Also the little dots below her eyes remind me of Tia Dalma from Pirates of the Caribbean, or Calypso, whatever you want to call her.

Even Calypso is more good-looking...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Good Looking Me-Dolls Of Stardoll

So I was looking around Stardoll and decided . . . why not find the best me-dolls of Stardoll? So I picked out a couple of me-dolls to show you:

The Best
This me-doll is so different to everyone else's and it still looks so elegant, with the lips matching the bow. Who knew that hideous orange bow is capable of making someone look outstanding?

Yes, it's the typical elite me-doll, with our fashionable "you disgust me" mouth. But the smokey eyes look amazing, standing out thanks to the simple hair-do and diamond earrings.
Wew, bold eyebrows and pale pink lips, very nice. Smokey eyeliner and light-coloured eyes create a very mysterious look
I think this me-doll is very simple, yet charming. Reminds me a bit of Owen Wilson, haha.
A pale look with pink lips and long eyelashes, pretty.

This me-doll is very unique, although I don't believe the earrings and headband should be on the same battlefield, but if you say goodbye to the headband, this me-doll will look even better.

I think this me-doll is not overdone, with a little bit of eye make-up and simple diamond or pearl earrings (my eye-sight lets me down sometimes).

So here are some me-dolls to give you some inspiration, but seeing as I can't be bothered right now, the next topic will focus on our Worst Me-dolls, which surely won't be very hard to find.

The Elites (Or the Royal Family of Stardoll)

Don't worry . . . I'm not going to start this whole "anti-elites thing", but sometimes inspiration hits you in the face or some other area of your body and you really want to write about something. So apparently the definition of an Elite is as follows: An Elite must have: Looks, Style, Money, Brains (Most of the time), and power. Well, 10 points for describing an aristocrat, although I definately don't agree with the "Brains" bit of her definition. I think that most elites make an awfully long and a terribly hard to read presentation. For example noelle_page's presentation makes you think more than you do at an English exam, who the HELL knows what she's going on about?!
If this is acceptable for a presentation about yourself, then I am going to take a chunk out of Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn and paste that into my presentation.

Thank you Noelle, for this phenomenal quote, except when I'm 20, I don't think I will care that that you have more LE clothes than me. Speaking of age, she's 19, shouldn't she be going to university, or have a job? No, who needs a job when you have a credit card and the internet next to you, the virtual world is yours!

"Noelle, darling, what have you achieved in your life?"
"Well I actually own ALL of the LE clothes on Stardoll..."

Anyway, individuality is also something important in this world, although I don't think the elites have that. I think they have developed a fashion, using the same mouth...

The "You Disgust Me" mouth

Well, thanks to our elites, or our Stardoll royals, who would sell their organs for the DKNY Skyscraper, if you ever want to know what a RARE or some sort of "hard to find"clothing looks like, visit an elite, like fakeshake3, perhaps.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Miss Sixty - On Stardoll

Finally, after numerous advertisements, the Miss Sixty brand is finally here on Stardoll.

Well what can I say, surely there are some nice pieces in the collection, but the print bubble dress, for example, makes you look pregnant. They are all extremely pricy, even more expensive than some of the DKNY.
But then again, when I saw the spoilers on several blogs, I have come across clothes that aren't on Stardoll...yet.
Some of the things here actually look decent...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Chinese Stardoll + Guide to Registration

I am unsure how it is possible, or if the real Stardoll knows it, but there is a Chinese stardoll:
The difference is not just the language, but that the Starplaza offers you rares and old hotbuys that stardoll.com doesn't. Of course it is impossible to transfer your stardoll.tom.com clothes to your normal account, and you also need to register, but it's still good fun.
BEFORE YOU VISIT IT - you'll need help on how to register, and you're not the only one, unless you speak Mandarin.

I know it's hard to see and the quality's poor but anyway . . .
BOX 1 - Type in your email address
BOX 2 - Make up a username
BOX 3 - Make up a password (and as they say, 'don't tell anyone', like we're that stupid)
BOX 4 - Type in an email *It must be different to your first one*
BOX 5 - Originally for phone numbers, but *leave it blank*
BOX 6 - Your Birthdate
The two options next - The first is girl and the second is boy
Type in the code

and VOILE!


To be honest I find this website quite annoying, as I don't understand ANYTHING and it slows down my computer. But give it a try, maybe you'll like it (:

Monday, September 21, 2009

New LE

Hip hip hooray, the new LE has hit the shops, even though it's left us pretty poor. The prices are reasonable (for LE) and the clothes are quite nice as well.

The only annoying thing is that you see something you like, try to buy it, and it says it's out of stock! The black dress with the gigantic bow is obviously popular. Well, keep shopping people.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hacking Stardoll Accounts - Employee Code?

While surfing through YouTube, I found a video that looks realistic, or it seems so. (shown below) Apparently, some users have discovered an Employee Code, and the way to use it. It is a little bit suspicious that this code only works for "superstars". The Employee Code allows you to Edit clubs, Go through accounts of different users and more. The girl below does not want to tell anyone the code, and tells you to send her your username and password to an email.

What do you think this is, a hack/scam, or a neat trick?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Stardoll Burn Book

Recently I have discovered that there is a blog that is "The Stardoll Burn Book", created by xox-DIOR-xox
I believe that the blog insults our so called "elites" of Stardoll, insulting their looks and so on.
(To be quite honest xox-DIOR-xox isn't exactly God's Gift, nor is she beautiful.)
As I visited her presentation I came across this:

So these are the people she insults, and has never met them in her life. I must say, I also checked out her Guestbook, and saw the low and shallow human beings that visit her page.

Sorry for the fantastic quality, but is fakeshake3 and dan_puffs such special people? I heard all sorts of rumours about them, how fakeshake3 is a boy, a transexual, and many other odd things. To be honest, I don't care if fakeshake3 is a horse, so why should it matter to other people?

SO WHO IS xox-DIOR-xox ?

A very shallow and low person, obviously. Her me-doll reminds me of a pineapple. Check it out for yourself.

Clearly the hottest thing going around. Anyway, that'll all for now, stay tuned. . .

Twilight Characters on Stardoll

When you think people couldn't get any more creative on stardoll, BAM! A smack in the face. Surfing through suites, checking out me-dolls, and I found two VERY good suites. Not because they have "more than 100 items" in their rooms (well, they do, but anyway), but because ImAliceCullen and Bella_La_Swan have made their suites into the Twilight Saga. I'm not a twitard myself, to be honest, but when I saw their suites, :O
I better shut up and show you.

Ahh Forks High School, and the school bus "No our bus is full" quoted our 100 and something year old vampire.
Bella's birthday party, in New Moon, I presume, possibly before Jasper couldn't control himself.

And obviously, this user doesn't lack in any DKNY, or any other clothes that some Stardoll users will kill for. . .

Wow, she even realised "Purple's cool" and made her bed purple. We just need Edward coming out of the window...
My Holy Lord. No need to have a brain to figure out what this is. The cliff scene from New Moon, who knew that fireplaces and curtains could make a beach?

Other Twilight Users

EdwardLa_Cullen -
I believe this account is also created by Bella_La_Swan
JJacobBlack - Jacob Black !
Belive_rock - Rosalie Hale