Monday, December 14, 2009

For Non-Superstars, Stardoll Sucks

H A P P Y C H R I S T M A S !

The greed of Stardoll has grown to an impossible level. Cancelling the "1 stardollar a-day" is just the start, mark my words. Superstars pay for their privileges, but that doesnt mean others should be treated like trash. An example: Have you ever looked at the non-superstar christmas calendar?

We have basil, the ugliest crown I have ever seen (God forbid for anyone to ever wear it), candles, candles, candles, hay and an effing sheep. Nothing beats having a sheep in your empty non-superstar room filled with "write me" penguins and that white couch I am surprised Stardoll actually gives out to new members.

CHRISTMAS is about giving, getting off your greedy ass and giving people pleasant surprises and gifts (and no, hay is not a gift, nor is a sheep). Can't Stardoll for once forget about making money and make a nice effing virtual dress for non-superstars?
Answer: No.

What's your opinion? Leave a comment.



  1. yes that would definitely rocks and ...maybe they could convert game points into stardollars or starpoints..what about the non superstars!!!!....

  2. Oh yeah. I hate their greedyness :(

  3. Oh yeah, Stardoll is definetly greedy. It has gotten bad for non superstars! Man, you can't even get decent makeup because now everyone is living (EXCEPT SUPERSTARS OR ROYALTY) on STARCOIN S! Outragues! And now everything in WAY overpriced! WTF!?!?

  4. Omg, me and my twin borther ( me: ghgbrave & brother: hotandsingleboy ) stopped playing that because EVERYTHING is stardollers! and it's so dumb that everything is stardollers!

  5. One I am starting to hate this shit

  6. Will these Money making machines be nice? like not for money. They should give the non superstars like 1,000 stardollars for a week and let them buy royalty and superstar stuff for that time. and this game is starting to suck.
